Sunday, April 09, 2006
Is the SPLC An American Arm of the Mossad?
The Mossad’s job is to protect international Zionism through the use of murder, violence, and intrigue. When Anna Lindh, a pro-Palestinian politician, was about to become Sweden’s next Prime Minister, she was savagely murdered. A drug-induced assassin actually gutted her in a posh department store. Jurgen Moellemann, who was about to be elected Germany’s leader, was assassinated Israeli-style in a public fashion, to relay the message to other future political types.
International Jewry saw that country after country was tamed, Russia in 1918, Germany in 1945, Europe, Australia, etc, leaving only the people of the United States. In 1913, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was formed after the people of Atlanta actually stormed a prison, and hung a Jewish child killer. In the late 1960’s, the Mossad saw the need for an action branch in the United States, and that is how the SPLC evolved.
American Militias Seen As Major ThreatFor years, the Zionist press had pressed the cons of KKK, American Bund, up to today’s Neo Nazis. But the Zionist's achilles heel has always been it’s smoldering ego. The secretive operation of Oklahoma City was so successful in destroying militias that Dees blathered on in FBI reports of his Elohim spy ring, which a reporter JD Cash exposed. Dees was so enamoured of his superiority, and the Goyim’s stupidity, he laughingly told the reporter when questioned about the OKC bombing ‘I can’t tell you about OKC, if I did I would have to kill you’.
Oklahoma City Spelled The End of The MilitiasThe OKC bombing was orchestrated by a six-man team of Mossad agents, Strassmier, Spiegelman, Brescia, and three Israeli demolition experts. The story that a disgruntled drifter, Timothy McVeiegh, and his mentally challenged pal, Terry Nichols, destroyed the Murrah Building, with a tin can Ryder truck, that was parked 100' away, is absurd.
Here is the full story on the OKC bomb.